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Hubpages or Blog?

Posted by Charles Gray on December 3, 2013

You have a nice idea, and now you have to decide where to put it– Hubpages (or another content site) or your blog?


Well, there are a few questions you can ask yourself that can help you answer this question.

1. Is the content personal or is it transitory?

If you’re talking about your vacation, or the fact that you’ve been sick as a dog for the last three weeks, it’s likely better suited to your blog.  Nobody, other than your personal friends and associates will likely care about it (unless you’re a movie star, but in that case you probably hire someone to write your blog).

2. Is the material “evergreen?”

Sites  like Hubpages currently prefer “evergreen” content. What is that? It’s material that will continue to be of interest for some time. An article about  how to get tickets for a local concert becomes useless the day after said concert. An article about the best strategies to get tickets for concerts in general will continue to be useful for months and years.  That content will continue to receive visitors, which benefits both the hosting site and your own reputation.

3. Is the material properly written?

We all like to post things off the cuff. The problem is that what people accept in a blog may not be what they want to see as a Hub.  Check for grammar, spelling and general article structure. You may be better off keeping it as a blogpost. Just remember that many people will see your writing for the first time on your blog, so don’t use this as an excuse to put up lazy or shoddy work!

Getting the Best of Both Worlds

Of course, there’s no reason you can’t have a blog post and a Hub both be about the same subject.  Maybe you have some supplementary information on your blog or are updating your content in light of current events.  In fact, in some cases a complementary system of articles and posting can dramatically improve the reader’s experience.

However, note that the tactic of writing a Hub just to drive traffic to your blog is both well known and not liked. Readers who feel that the only reason you are writing is to get traffic will likely decline your offer.

Choosing where to put your article or post is a vital part of becoming a respected author, both on your blog and on your Hub.  By ensuring that you provide the reader with a rewarding experience, you will certainly grow your audience, whatever option you choose.

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